If you are not doing what you love, you are wasting your time-Billy Joel

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Sunday, 22 February 2015

Another week has passed swiftly by

It seems to be that as we get older the weeks just seem to fly by. I am sure that when I was working it took longer for each Friday to roll around that it does now.

We have had a week of hot and humid weather and I hate it. Think we need a good thunder storm to clear the air. We have had a couple of glorious sunrises during the week.

I am moving along quite nicely with my costume making even though the embroidery has been a bit hampered by the helper I have had sleeping on the machine table.

At the moment I am trying to make a costume similar to this beautiful vintage dress which I found a photo of. Just drafting the pattern at the moment.

Those of you in the BFC Yahoo group will know that Suz has sent the link to download the first 2 designs in her 10 000 member free set. The  black and red combined design is one idea of how I will use Design 1.in the new BOM I will do with the free set.

If you would like to be a part of this BOM please email me.

Saturday, 14 February 2015

I have been far from idle

It has been a little while since I last posted but I can assure you that I have not been off lazing around. I spent a few days making  some more items for my Bridie's Blossom's packages and have two new keepsake items in the planning pipeline. My friend Jade is helping me with one of them.

For the most part been working from when I get up at 6.00 am to when I go tot be around 10.30 on costumes for the Devonport Choral Society's upcoming musical production in May of All Shook Up . Set in the 1950's it features 26 Elvis Presley songs. This is just a small selection of what I have been working on. These just need hems and buttonholes/buttons to be completed. Still a long way to go. I have sourced black elastic belts,white frilled bobby socks etc etc. The black and white items are for the Jailhouse Rock scene. Would love to show you more but it is all under wraps until we start the promotional aspects of the show. My husband has been working on blue suede shoes as well as helping out with set construction. This is his first foray into theatre but for me it is the sixteenth show that I have costumed over a period of 25 years.
We are still going out to  Lillico on Saturday nights. We have 8 babies left on shore still being fed by their parents.We had a wet night last night but we also had a glorious rainbow and a flash of a red sunset.
Sunset at Lillico Beach Feb 14 2015

Sunset at Lillico Beach Feb 14 2015
Rainbow over Lillico Feb 14 2015

Rainbow over Lillico Feb 14 2015

Rainbow over Lillico Feb 14 2015
This is a little pademelon and her little joey. You can just see its big ears popping out from its mother's pouch in the first photo. The pademelon is a nocturnal marsupial so it is hard to get good photos of them in the wild during daylight.
Pademelon and joey

Pademelon and joey
I will getting back to sending out instructions for the  BFC Anniversary BOM later on this coming week. Will try to send a lesson out later on today if I have time. I have had a few emails form people wanting to know where they are so rest assured I will be sending another one out soon.

Karen has made a smaller quilt from the Forest Owls BOM.

Tuesday, 3 February 2015

Bit of a round up

We are motoring along with our BOM's that I am running. 

The final two blocks, Block 16 and Block 17 in the HIA Forest Owls BOM have been sent out along with the final construction pdf. This BOM is now complete.
HIA Forest Owls Block 16

HIA  Forest Owls Block 17

Block 10 and Block 11 have also gone out in the BFC Anniversary BOM.
BFC Anniversary Block 10

BFC Anniversary Block 10
If you are receiving these blocks and you are an AOL or ATT subscriber it is quite possible that my emails have been blocked yet again.

Elizabeth has completed the first two rows of her Anniversary quilt

Elizabeth's Row 1 and  Row 2
We had some lovely cloud formations and sunset on Saturday night at the penguin platform as well as one little penguin trying to come out before dark.
Cloud formation from Lillico 

Lillico sunset

I have spent many an hour organizing bits and pieces for the costumes for the  musical (All Shook Up) that I am costuming. It is so time consuming looking online for things and not being to find what I want. I am currently hunting down some realistic looking sherrif badges without spending an arm and a leg.