
Tuesday 8 September 2015

Finally it is done

I am finally on the mend after having been unwell for nearly 3 weeks with what appears to have been a pneumonia type virus. I am sure that by this time next week I will be back to my old self.  
Night and Day Quilt

I have been slowly completing the Night and Day quilt and have just now finished writing up the instructions. You can download them from HERE. When the page opens click on the downward pointing arrow in the centre at the top of the screen.

We have had a glorious start to spring and the garden has been magnificent.


  1. Many thanks for putting up the instructions for your lovely quilt, especially so soon after getting over your illness. Pneumonia is not an illness to be taken lightly, so glad to hear that you finally are over the worst of it.

    It would have been frustrating being ill, and thinking of all the things you would have liked to have accomplished, but I am sure that as you recovered you were planning lots of other exciting projects. You amaze me with the amount of work you are able to produce AND also have time to garden!!!

  2. I'm glad you're finally starting to feel better. Thank you for the instructions. Your garden is absolutely beautiful!

  3. Good to hear your on the mend, it was quiet.
