
Wednesday 30 September 2015

Been a while

I have just noticed that it has been so long since I last posted. However, if you happen to look at my Facebook page you will know that I have been very busy.

First up I have just finished writing up the instructions for this new quilt using the Puppy Patrol  set of designs from  Hatched in Africa. The quilt has already been adopted by a school group that makes projects etc for disadvantaged children and they will find a very good home for it with a little girl I am sure.
HIA Puppy Patrol Quilt
You can download the instructions for this quilt from HERE.
This quilt is very versatile in that you can use a wide range of 5x7 inch designs.

We have commenced penguin guiding of a Saturday night although it is still a little chilly at the moment. There are already chicks to be seen. We had a beautiful moon and sunset last Saturday night.

Sunset over Lillico Beach Saturday September 26th
Although most of the spring bulbs have come and gone in our garden the azaleas are at their most spectacular best.

I have also been working on some items for  Bridie's Blossoms. Packs have been delivered to hospitals and I have just finished 120 keepsake handkerchiefs for those attending the Bears of Hope International Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Day in Hobart on October 15th. I think I have used 8 metres of lawn and 123 metres of lace in the making of these handkerchiefs.


  1. Good to hear your well, I've missed reading your blog notes.

  2. Good to hear your well, I've missed reading your blog notes.
