
Friday 21 August 2015

A big update on projects

I see that it has been nearly a fortnight since my last blog post although I have been putting things up on the Facebook page which anyone can view whether you have Facebook or not.
I have been very under the weather since Tuesday night with a flu like virus and last night my temp spiked at 39.1C again so hopefully I am on the improve. Why does every little illness seem so much more intense as we get older?

I have made another quilt top and have it sandwiched together ready  to quilt and write up instructions to so that they can be available for download. I have not started quilting it yet as I don't think it will be much good for my health at the moment. I am calling this 60 inch square lap quilt my Night and Day quilt because of the split colours in the embroideries and also the contrast in the fabrics. The quilt is embroidered with the Black and White Florals set of designs from Hatched in Africa. It is a set of only 5 designs but I was able to get the 9 blocks out of it.

Hopefully the instructions will be on the blog early next week. I am not rushing this.
Night and Day Quilt
Last weekend I made an number of dresses for  Tasmanian angel babies from a wedding dress that had been given to me, firstly to use as a costume for the musical I did the costumes for back in May and then to then to transform it into these little dresses. Helenmarie's late mother had lovingly stitched her wedding gown and now it will be used to wrap angel babies in love.
Angel baby gowns made form /Helenmarie's gown.
We have had quite a few photos sent in of the projects you are working on using my project instructions or BOM instructions.

Remember if you want me to send you the links to any of these you need to send me an email.

 First up we have Roberta's BFC 10 000 member set BOM.
Roberta's 10 000 member set BOM

and Megan's BFC 11th anniversary set BOM 
Megan's  BFC 11th anniversary BOM
Joan has been working on the Kenny Kreations candlewick quilt as you go quilt. (These instructions are also available if you request them.
Joan's Kenny Kreations Candlewick Quilt as You Go Quilt in progress.

Joan has also made a quilt using the layout that I used for the Pretty in Pink elephant quilt. You can find that project on this page and the link for download is there. This quilt layout is very useful if you have a set of designs to use that are of varying widths as you can choose which ones to go in the horizontal blocks and which ones to go in the vertical blocs.
Marylynn has sent in a pic of her Aristocat quilt using the Hatched in Africa's Aristocats set of designs. I love the black background color. If you are using any black fabric please remember to prewash. One of my friends found that out the hard way this week.
We have some Toys for Boys quilts in progress. This quilt is made using the Toys For Boys designs from Hatched in  Africa
These are Carol's blocks
Carol's Blocks

I have made a collage of Lucy's blocks to date
Lucy's Blocks
Roberta just has to add her borders
Roberta's Toys For boys quilt
Megan did not have any little boys to make a quilt for so she has used the Toys For boys quilt layout with some Tea  cup/Tea set
Megan's quilt
Although the spring bulbs are out in abundance we have had some very cold mornings. The frost on the car during the week was like diamonds glistening in the sun.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for all the inspiration Vicki. As soon as I'm all caught up on my summer projects (here in California) I'm emailing you so I can get started on one of your great designs. Hope you feel better soon.
    Patrica @
