
Sunday 13 November 2016

It has definitely been a while

It has definitely been  awhile since I last posted on here. I am pleased to say that things are starting to gt back to normal. I had to have an unscheduled check up at the beginning of October due to some concerns but that went well and I have my next check up early January. The only ongoing treatment am having is physio for lymphedema.

However, I have not been idle since my last blog post. I have now completed 5 units of my Diploma of Family History through he University of Tasmania and currently working on units 6 and 7. The final unit will be in early 2017 and hopefully I will graduate in August 2017.

We have just been to Hobart to spend some time with my husband's family. This was to celebrate our 60th birthdays but that was postponed from July when I was unwell. We spent some time visiting friends, doing family history research and went to the cinema to watch The Light Between Oceans which is set in Stanley Tasmania. Beautiful scenery an dour nephew was one of the stand in townsfolk. We visited St Matthews Church in Glenorchy and found the headstone of one of my gggg grandmothers, Susannah Mortimer. We were thrilled to find some of her history showcased in artwork on a nearby wall. Susannah was one of the very early settlers to Tasmania. 

Susannah Mortimer O'Brien

We also visited a salt pan lagoon at Tunbridge in the midlands. I lived at Tunbridge with my family until I was 10 years of age. In years gone by people would harvest the salt left in this salt pan when all of the water dried up in summer. The day we visited was extremely windy as you can hear in the video.

I have made a baby quilt for the new niece of my daughter's housemate. It is stitched using the new Baby Elephant Applique set from Hatched in Africa. I have written a tutorial for this quilt and it can be downloaded from HERE.
Baby Elephant Quilt
Bridie's Blossoms packages were also delivered to our Hobart Hospitals whilst we were visiting last week. I also made some key fobs for the very hard working midwives.
Bridie's Blossoms Packages.


  1. As always so glad to hear you check-up went well. The elephant quilt is so cute, lucky baby. You have been more than busy, I'm amazed by all that you accomplish. Wishing you continued good health.
    Patrica in California

  2. Good to hear your doing well. I as well am amazed at how much you accomplish and even with your not feeling well. Take care of yourself and thank you for sharing your patterns.
