
Tuesday 19 July 2016

Checking In

I spent most of the weekend sending out almost 80 emails to people requesting the Floral dance BOM. To date I have had replies from 3 people to say that they received the link to download the files. I am just checking with people to make sure that the emails did get to everyone on my list. I did send them in a few goes so hope that I did not make any errors.

I received very good news last week. It appears that the wonderful oncology surgeon  removed all of the cancerous tumour and I do not need any follow treatment at this stage.  I am recovering well from the surgery and should be back t my old self before too long. 

Although we have had some dreadful dreary weather we had some beautiful sunrises last week.


  1. Such wonderful news Vicki I'm so happy for you! Wishing you continued good health and all good things.

  2. Great news Vicki, I wish you continued good health for the future

  3. Wonderful news about your health!!

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. Vicki,thank you for your generous sharing. I been learing to sew quilts by looking at pictures and figuring out the dimensions. Playing with fabric is fun. Connecting pieces after pieces to see what i come up with. I just found your website and am enjoying reading and learning tips. Appreciate your love and sharing. Much Mahalo. Ginger

  6. Vicki,thank you for your generous sharing. I been learing to sew quilts by looking at pictures and figuring out the dimensions. Playing with fabric is fun. Connecting pieces after pieces to see what i come up with. I just found your website and am enjoying reading and learning tips. Appreciate your love and sharing. Much Mahalo. Ginger
