
Wednesday 3 December 2014

One of those days

Today has been one of those days. A bit dreary and not wanting to do much at all but I have stitched more of the embroideries in the Forest Owls BOM. Just need to put them into their blocks now.

Also had an injury. Was machine quilting a quilt for a baby and the needle went through my ring finger on my right hand close to my nail and broke off. Blood everywhere but I managed to pull the rest of the needle out. My husband nearly fainted but I was as calm as a cucumber. Luckily I had a tetanus shot only about 4 years ago.

Trudi has sent in a pic of her Bridie's Blessings quilt. She has made it a bit larger by adding more rows and one more column down the side. Remember this is the charity quilt I designed that only needs one yard/metre of your main focus fabric in its original size
You can find the link to the pattern over on my Bridie's blossoms and Blessings blog HERE

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