
Wednesday 3 September 2014

My Mum's lovely quilt and my ever present helpers

My Mum has been doing  hand stitched candlewick embroidery for years so when I donated the embellished cat quilt for the Alzheimer's Tasmania raffle she decided to donate one of the baby quilt she has done. I decided I had better take some photographs of it before it went. It is so difficult to photograph tone on one but think I have got some good closeups.

While I have been flying solo this week the spring cleaning has been powering on. I am doing our bedroom today, Thursday, so thought I would get  a head start last night by pulling my chest of drawers away from the wall vacuuming behind it and generally tidying up my clothes etc.  This chest of drawers belonged to one of our great grandparents so it is heavy. I took the drawers out to make it easier to move as it just about come up to all my five feet height and who decided to have a bit of a look, my two helpful assistants. They are sitting here ready to go again today. Worse than having two toddlers helping.


  1. The quilt is lovely. I love how she has done candle wicking on the border. Tell your mum well done.

  2. They are just helping you to dust. love your moms work

  3. Your Mom is so talented. (and as generous as her daughter). Love it.

  4. Hi Vicki. What a fantastic needle woman your mum is. A gorgeous quilt. Sounds as if those two rascals are quite a handful!!. Hope you are well. Kind regards. Jan. (UK)
