
Saturday 30 August 2014

Blast from the past

Seminole band in skirt

Tomorrow being September 1 is the first day of spring here in Australia. My husband has gone over to Canberra for a week to do a bit of landscaping for our daughter and while he is away I am into spring cleaning. Took the first load of old clothes to the charity bin. In my clean up I came across this skirt that I made many years ago with a matching hot pink shirt. It has passed my fingers before during my cleanup ups but I have always been reluctant to throw it out. I think I made it nearly 30 years ago and now it would be lucky to fit my leg!

It is difficult to do clean out cupboards etc it with two little fur balls into everything as well so I have to wait until they go to bed in their house at 10.00 or thereabouts each morning. They have been in the washing machine and one tried to get in the oven this morning.

If you have time  take minute to check out our  Bridie's Blossoms and Blessings Facebook page that Anna has set up. Anna would love it if you like the page.
Bridie's Blossoms and Blessings Facebook page


  1. I had a kennel for my 4 cats that I would put them into when I wanted to do a big job in the house. I trained them up from when they were kittens. As adults, they didn't mind it and would walk into it to take a snooze quite often. Might want to consider training up yours so you can get some work done, but also for their own safety. I hurt a few cats in life time until I decided to keep them out of harms way.

  2. Oh, and your skirt band is lovely. Here in Miami you can purchase skirts made by Seminole in this and other patchwork styles and they cost hundreds of dollars!
