
Wednesday 13 November 2013

Heirloom Inspired Christmas stockings

I have had a mixed day today. We have had very slowly internet connection for a couple of days and  this morning we completely lost our landline phone connection.
All of our calls are coming and going through my mobile phone. I do not know how much longer we will have the internet for. Looks like it will be about a week before it is fixed so if I do not post for a few days  or answer your emails you will know why.
The next heirloom class I will be teaching is in about three weeks and I have decided to make some heirloom inspired Christmas stockings.The heirloom cuffs are a great way of experimenting with new techniques so I will have to design a few more for the ladies to try. These were today's efforts.
Heirloom Inspired Christmas Stockings.

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