
Wednesday 13 November 2013

Have a look at my photo on the TV weather

I sent in the pics I took on Saturday night to Channel 10 in Melbourne and one of them was chosen to be used in the weather segment tonight.
You can view the segment HERE. An ad will precede the segment


  1. Great photo , it would make a lovely landscape quilt !

  2. Oh Vicki,
    This is the first time I commented on your blog. Your photo deserves credit, it is beautiful. By the way I am one of your followers from California. My you are a busy bee! I can not believe the volume of beautiful hand crafted fabric creations you turn out. You must work day and night! Thank you for your inspiration. I really appreciate your embroidery updates on "free stuff" on the web.... in fact I count on you now.
    Thank you, thank you, thank you.

  3. First a great quilter and teacher, now a famous photographer! ;-)
