
Wednesday 14 August 2013

Thank You

My sincerest thanks to everyone who has sent me a personal email or left a comment since we received the sad news about Millie. While she still enjoys laying in the sun, getting on the roof  to sunbake and eating we will try and keep her with us. We have had to put two of our cats to sleep in the past and although it is difficult to do it is the kindest thing as I hate to see animals suffer .

On a brighter note Paula sent me a pic of her quilt to share with you. It is the Pretty in Pink Elephant Quilt, obviously done in blues. Doesn't it look great!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so sorry about your cat-friend. We have two rescued kittens that I wish I could give you. (I'm bottle feeding them now...) We already have 6 cats (all rescued) and can't keep any more no matter HOW cute they are. I lost my 20 year old Siamese a few years ago and it took me a year to get over his death. Take care. xo
