
Tuesday 13 August 2013

Not good news

See received the devastating news yesterday that Millie has cancer in the bone and tissue around her jaw. We will cherish the remaining quality time that we have left with her.

Last night we had very strong winds and storm. The power went off at 8.30 so off we went to bed. It was pitch black as you can imagine with not one street light on anywhere. A very large clap of thunder woke us both with a start at midnight as the whole house shook.


  1. So sorry to hear about Millie. Our fur-babies mean so much to us.

  2. Such sad news, cherish your remaining time with your furry friend

  3. Oh Vicki, I am so sorry to hear your bad news adding to your latest sorrows. Please know that we have you in our prayers.

  4. Sad, sad day. Just don't let it go too long. Our dog had bone cancer. We had such a hard time letting her go that we waited a day too late. We wanted her to be put to sleep at home, and when we called the vet, they couldn't come out until the next day. She was in a lot of pain that last day that could have been avoided if we had been strong enough to say good-bye sooner. It's so hard losing a part of your family.
