
Friday 14 June 2013

Time Out

As most of you have probably realised I have taken a time out from my blog. After being remonstrated for making an error in my last freebie roundup I was devastated to say the least,so much so that I had to fight hard with myself to even continue the blog. I have not posted for a week and will probably not make another post for a few more days. Many people have written to me via email and I am so appreciative of that. I would reply to you all but my email is down at the moment and I am waiting for my ISP to get back to me.

I have taken time off  from blogging to do what I love, and that is sewing.I would be devastated if I lost my sewing mojo and I have been working hard to keep that as it is my overriding passion. I will share some pics of what I have been working on ( Hoopsisters Feathered Star) later on next week. 


  1. I am constantly amazed by your creativity!

  2. I love your blog and am appalled at what occurred. Take all the time you need and sew to your heart's content!

  3. OMGosh! Everyone makes mistakes and your work is lovely. I've not been sewing much myself. Take a breath and come back! I love your blog.

  4. Keeping you in my thoughts. Take your time; enjoy your sewing/creative time.

  5. Take care and enjoy your time out. Thank you for your blog.

  6. Sorry to hear that some can be so thoughtless as to criticize you. You are awesome and don't let the negative people get you down. I'll be looking forward for your return. Enjoy you time off and your sewing. All my best to you.

  7. I too am appalled at such disrespectful people. I guess their life is so miserable they think they have to take it out on someone else. But for that to be you is unthinkable. I so appreciate your generosity and all the time and effort it takes for you to do the things you offer us. I sit here looking at the Antique Roses you were so kind to give me. I want to do the Aristocats and the Giraffes, and the new HIA florals, and Easy Street - and the list goes on :)I will get to see Santi next month, she is having a truck show at one of out local quilt shops. It has been 2 yrs so anxious to see them again. Take care and I will continue to check your blog daily for news and keep on creating!! Rebecca

  8. I too would miss you if you stop blogging. I enjoy reading what your up to and you are so kind in sharing ideas and patterns. Take the time you need and know we'll be waiting for your return. I do have to wonder how in the world you get as much done as you do, do you sleep?

  9. Please do weigh the good words against the nasty ones. and really, the goods one should have more value than the bad ones. You should not roll over and let these evil tongues win. You should keep doing your freebie round up, its obvious that folks admired it and even cherished it. DON'T LET THEM DOWN!! Either way, enjoy your time and chin up! don't let them keep you down.
