
Friday 7 June 2013

Freebie roundup-update

I made an error in saying that  the Urban  Threads giving bunny was a s'more. It was late last night when I published the blog page and I aplogise for that. I have had a few unkind emails sent to me and a comment left on the blog . So that I  do not make anymore errors I will no longer be doing this freebie roundup.


  1. Oh, Vicki....I am sorry you got so badly burned while trying to do such a generous thing. It is just so amazing that people can put out such hateful comments. A gentle correction.... that is one thing. Probably someone is dealing with a lot of their own stress. Thank you for all you did share in the Freebie Roundup.

  2. Vickie,
    I so sorry to hear that you are not doing
    the freebie round up. I love and look forward to you postings evey day and enjoy all of your projects even though I do not do all of them. People who have nothing in their life but meaness, will only pass on the same. Thank you for all the good you do to keep embroidery and sewing alive.

  3. Vickie, so sorry - did enjoy your freebie roundup. One sees little mistakes in emails all the time but it isn't necessary to jump on every one of them. Guess some have nothing better to do but take on the world at every turn.
    Hope you can put this behind you and keep on with your generous tutorials, BOM's, and all the rest that you do for us. I don't know where you find the time! I always check your blog first as there is usually a new message to read.
    Bev, Alberta, Canada

  4. Vicki - just needed to records my thanks to you for all the inspiration you give us! So sad that you have a few rather sad people who need to comment negatively - do they really enjoy the crafts that they do or enjoy finding fault with everyone else. Thank you again!

  5. I agree the top comments. I hope you will put them behind you, as they aren't worth giving them a second thought.

  6. I am so sorry that a few small-minded people have upset you. Your blog is one of the very few that I read at all and the only one I read every day. I always enjoy looking at your BOM's, your photos and have learned from your sewing/quilting tutorials and tips. The Friday Freebie Roundup led me to some sites and designs I would have missed and I do hope you reconsider stopping it. Either way, I am truly grateful for all you do and have done for us. You are a wonderfully generous, gifted person.
    Anyone with half a brain would have known that s'mores don't have ears, recognized the error and passed on quietly without making an arrogant, nonsensical ("why it is") comment. Remember the old Latin phrase: Illegitimi non corborundum.

  7. WOW! How small minded of people- when I first found your blog I was thrilled and that was due to the links to other great sites that you provided! Will continue to foloow as you inspiore me to improve my machine e,broidery!

  8. Vicki,
    I'm sorry for the meanness of some people. I look forward to reading your blog and I appreciated the Freebie Round-up. However, I will still look forward to your creativeness and looking at the pictures of all your projects. Thank you for everything.

  9. I too look forward to your posts and spend Saturday mornings going through your "Friday Freebies". You introduced me to embroidery quilting - costing me more money, but so much fun. For that, and all the time you spend to help others with their craft, I thank you.
    Can you not ban or block these petty people?
    Don't let these people interfere with what YOU want to do.

  10. Vicki, I do not understand why some people have to be so rude. I will be sorry that you won't be doing the freebie round up because I found new embroidery website through you. You are one of the only blog where I read every post. I enjoy your blog tremendously. I love the projects, the stories and all that you bring. Please disregard that mean spirited person and I hope that you will reconsider stopping the freebie round up but what ever you do thank you for all that you offer.

  11. I vote for public shaming. Post their nasty note for all to see and then maybe they will think twice about writing rude things in the future.

  12. So sorry that this has happen. It is a shame that one person spoils it for every one else. I will miss your freebies post. I enjoy your blog very much and appreciate all the hard work that you do.

  13. Vicki you are an extremely talented lady who is also so very generous. I am sorry there are those people who spend their times looking so hard to find something negative to say about others. To err is human...we ALL make mistakes...there was nothing life threatening to anyone with this little mistake. There are many of us who admire you for talent and generosity and respect you for what you do. For someone who has "known" you for many years I know you would never do anything intentionally to harm anyone. Shame on those who hurt you for their own pleasure. Kick those people to the curb like the garbage they are and don't ever let them upset you.
