
Sunday 3 June 2012

My plans for the future

About a month ago I decided that I was going to retire from teaching at the end of this school year in December. It was a big decision and took some sleepless nights for me to decide to leave the job that has been my life for the last 33 years.

As for my plans for the future: I am a teacher and will always be a teacher.I started this blog as a way of being able to pass on my skills to others and so I have decided that if anyone wants me to come and teach a machine embroidery, sewing group or whatever that is what I will do. So if you know of a group that would like a visiting teacher in 2013 I will be available.


  1. Vicki, congrats on your retirement. I retired early 16 months ago and I'm lovin' it. As DH says, "Retirement is everything it's cracked up to be, and more!"
    Best of luck with your new career as a quilting & sewing teacher!

  2. As an retired teacher you will be more active than before -- now you will have time to get all of it done and it still won't happen because you will have so many more things to do:) I've been retired for five years and have loved every minute -- I have filled in my working time with me and my creation time -- it's so much fun -- congrats on retiring :)
