
Monday 4 June 2012

Blog- First Anniversary

Last night marked the 1 year anniversary from when I first set up my blog and made it live. I had a whim on a Saturday afternoon to make a blog and set up getting it organised for the  rest of the day.

I could never have imagined how popular it has been with just short of 150 000 page loads in the first year.
It was a very cold and overcast day yesterday and I got little done. My plan today is to finish off the top for my Africa quilt.


  1. Congratulations Vicki! Yours is one of a few blogs that are kept on my browser "toolbar" that I check almost daily. No pressure! ;-)

  2. Happy 1st Anniversary! I so enjoy your blog and wish you many more anniversaries with it! GOOD JOB! Suzanne

  3. Thanks everyone for your kind remarks.I certainly appreciate them.

  4. Happy 1st anniversary Vicki. Congrats on making it that first year. Congrats too on the decision to retire. You do realize once you stop working you are busier than you were before right? LOL

  5. Congratulations, Vicki. I have so enjoyed these months with you and learned so much! Looking forward to this next year.
