
Saturday 16 January 2016

Lovely weather continuing

We have been having lovely warm weather but need rain desperately. We have a number of bushfires in the area and the smoke haze last night made the sun glow bright red at sunset.
Red sun west of Lillico
We have had some gorgeous sunsets.

The penguin babies are growing quickly with many having left to go to sea and soon the adults will be on land to moult

The sunsets over the water have given some lovely hues

I have been busily sewing some Bridies' Blossoms packages for 2 funeral homes in the Launceston area so that we can deliver them on Thursday.
Bridie's Blossoms outfit packages
 On Friday I spent the day taking apart a beautiful dupion silk wedding dress from a generous local lady called Clare. I tried to maintain the design integrity of her gown  as much as possible in making this first angel baby gown.
Angel baby gown from Clare's dress
These are photos of Clare's original gown. As you can see I used the complete beaded bodice. I remade it to take out the bust shaping.

I am just about to ready to start the new BOM featuring the Hatched in Africa Jacobean Roses. The requirements list should be ready by tomorrow morning at the latest.

We have had quite a few birds still visiting our fountain and there is quite a turf war on who gets to use it exclusively. The last photo is of the little green finch and the sparrow as it arrived on the scene.

1 comment:

  1. Such beautiful nature photos, you are very talented. And patient too, I expect.
