
Monday 4 January 2016

Lots of stitching and stuffing

Since the end of November I have been working on Bonnie Hunter's  annual mystery, this year named Allietare inspired by her trip to Italy. I chose colours completely different form hers and did not know if they would turn out so have not shared my progress at all. The mystery was revealed very early on New Years Day and I put the quilt together. I am very pleased with it and will get it quilted when the weather cool down.
My  Allietare quilt top finished

You see what others have done with their interpretations of Bonnie's mystery quilt at this link up on her blog.

I have found the perfect outside border fabric for the BFC 12th Anniversary BOM quilt and hope to get on to that today and to also send out some more of the Block lessons this week. Blocks 1-8 have been emailed to those participating. I took time out to finish the Allietare quilt top.
BFC 12th anniversary quilt top
A call also went out on over the weekend from one of the mothers with a small baby in our state NICU in Hobart. They had run out of small peanut pillows to put behind the wee ones. They also need some little fabric covered balls of fabric they call "ookies" rather like small plum pudding.When the premmies are born they give the Mum two of them, she then gives the little baby one and mum puts the other one down her top to get her smell on it the idea is to alternate them to transfer the smell of Mum to baby. I have so far made 37 little peanut pillows and 30 sets of "ookies". So lots of stitching and stuffing has been going on. Would you believe that I have used 8 metres of fabric in making up these. I used the walking foot to stitch the centre section on the peanut pillows as it is a bit tricky when they are already stuffed with fibrefill.
"ookies" for the NICU

Peanut pillows for the NICU

We are also seeing many of out penguin chicks leaving their nest down at  Lillico. It is a great joy to see them progress each week but there is also a tinge of sadness when you go back on a Saturday and they have "flown the coop" so to speak and have headed out to sea for the first time. Due to the weather being very warm many have ventured out of their burrows before it has become too dark and this has provided some great photo opportunities we do not normally get.
Penguin at  Lillico

There was also a hang glider during this last week over Don Heads taking advantage of the the thermals. We quite often see raptures down at Lillico soaring on the  wind currents.

Last week the international space station also went over a couple of times at a reasonable hour. The sky was clear and I managed to take this pic of sorts.
International Space station over Devonport


  1. the colors of your alletaire top is gorgeous!

  2. I absolutely love your alletaire quilt!! Colors are lovely.

  3. Lovely photos... so amazing to see penguins!
    Love your mystery quilt!

  4. I stuck with Bonnie's colorway, and am quite happy,but I ADORE your color choice! Very beautiful!

  5. Love your blue and grey mystery! It makes me think of sparkly snowflakes.

  6. Love the alternate colors you used for Alletaire!

  7. Love your mystery quilt colors.

    Barbara at Stash Overflow

  8. Such beautiful colors for your MQ, reminds me of the beach and ocean.

  9. Your Allietare is so pretty!! I really love your colors. I'm about to start working on mine again after recovering from Christmastime and illness. :D
