
Saturday 19 December 2015

A mini heat wave

We are in the middle of a mini heat wave here in Tasmania and it is not the best weather for sewing.There have been many windy days and those combined with the pollens flying around resulted in my allergies taking a hammering and my eyelid becoming swollen.

The BOM is well and truly underway with Blocks 1-6 being sent out to those who are receiving them.
BOM Block 3

BOM Block 4

BOM Block 5

BOIM Block 6
I have also being working on Bridie's Blossoms packages with the new outfit only 21-25 week gestation being sent to hospitals this week.

Bridie's Blossom 21-15 weeks outfit only packages
At the moment the quilts with the embroidered centre, keepsake quilts and wraps are being made so that packages are ready if they are needed as we get closer to 2016.

A magical night at Lillico last night. The temp did not dip below 23C and there was no wind. The mainly cloudless sky only had a few high wisps at sunset. The tide was high and the sea was flat with the pelican cruising gracefully around. The baby little penguins were plum(b) tuckered so to speak in the heat and to gain some relief many were at the front of their burrows in daylight to give us some rare and great photo opportunities. One of the young adults even put in an appearance under the scrub.
Lillico at sunset

Pelican cruising by
Baby penguin asleep in the heat
You can see the structures inside a penguin mouth that this little one will use to help it to keep the fish in when it is old enough to go out to the sea fishing for itself.

1 comment:

  1. I just wanted to say how much I enjoy your nature photos (as well as your sewing endeavours!) We are planning a trip to Australia and Tasmania is on our list as my husband is an avid birder. Thank you for your lovely blog and happy holidays!
