
Friday 27 November 2015

First Block posted

Block 1 in the BFC Anniversary BOM as been sent out to those who have signed up with me to receive it.
BFC 12th Anniversary BOM Block 1
When I do a BOM with the bright colours of red, bright green, yellow , orange etc I always make sure that they are scattered very consistently throughout the blocks. With this one I will make sure that the bright green colour appears at least once in every block. You should always stand back and have a look at the colours. If for example you have one bright yellow block among other more subdued colours it will stand out like a beacon and your eye will always go to that place.

We have had some lovely little finches coming for a drink and a bath in our garden fountain today. It has been a bit cold for a dip with some low temps close to winter rather than very near summer. I took these photos through our lounge room window so they may be a bit grainy.

1 comment:

  1. Lovely block Vicki thanks for the inspiration. Now to hit the sewing room after the Thanksgiving dishes are done.
