
Saturday 27 June 2015

Finishes and starts

I have this afternoon sent out the last two files in the BFC 10 000 member BOM. Block 14 and the construction file.
Block 14
Shirley has sent in a pic of her blocks to date. I have said it many times and will continue to say it. We all just love to see the fabric and thread colours that everyone else uses.
Shirley's BFC 10 000 member BOM blocks to date.
I have stitched out the first few designs for the new Hatched in Africa Toys for Boys quilt BOM that I am doing and the requirement has been sent out to those who have signed up for this free BOM. At the time of writing  this post I have 135 people on my list. All going well, the first block will be sent out tomorrow. Email me if you wish to be a part of this new BOM.
HIA Toys for Boys BOM quilt underway

Tineke has also sent in a pic of her Polka Dot Giraffe quilt. Tineke used the same fabric I did for the borders and last time I looked it was still available in our local Spotlight store. Remember this one of pour recent BOM projects.

I promised to post some more pics of the birds that were in the garden whilst we were in  Canberra. Below are pics of  magpies having a lovely time under the hose we put on to water in the new plants we had just planted in the garden. These birds are very vicious during the breeding season and will swoop and dive bomb anyone who happens by but this little family of two adults and 2 juveniles were having a great time. They took turns and kept us entertained for quite some time.

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