
Tuesday 19 May 2015

Busy, Busy, Busy

We have had two shows of all shook Up so far with 8 more to go. Four at the end of this week and four next week. You can view some of the pics here.  There is also a lovely review in the Australian national stage magazine called Stage Whispers.
Sunday was spent washing and ironing many costumes so they are now ready for tomorrow night.

Block 3 has been sent out in the BFC 10 000 member BOM.
BFC 10 000 member BOM Block 3
Here are Elizabeth's Block 1 and Block 2. Love the colours.

Lexie has just finished all of her blocks for the BFC Anniversary quilt for her daughter. Here are some of her blocks. Once again gorgeous colours.
Have been working away on Bridie's Blossoms packages so they they are ready for when they are requested. Just have to crochet the booties and make some clothing pieces.
I also need to share with you a recipe for a delicious slice that is easy to make, and little prep with no washing up. I have made it twice now for our Tuesday afternoon sewing get togethers. It is called The Town Bike Slice (not my name by the way). Once you have made it you can see how easy it is to change it up with different ingredients such as dried fruit, rolled oats etc.

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