
Monday 27 April 2015

I am still here

I am sure that a lot of you are thinking that I have stopped writing my bog posts altogether.
I had a major computer crash at the end of last week so we are only now just getting it back up and going after much hair pulling and choice words at times. If anyone has emailed me and I have not replied please email me again.

 Things have been very busy here as I finish of the odds and ends of the costumes for the All Shook Up musical which starts on May 15.

We move or "bump" into the theatre next Monday so that will be a busy day as the set and all of the costumes are transported around town.

I have also been working flat chat on making Bridie's Blossoms packages or at least all of the small quilts/blankets and keepsake blankets which are the first things to go in the packets.I have about 50 packages now in various stages of completion if there is a need for them to be sent around the state.

Last Thursday I was honoured to attend the Devonport Chat n Choose group to collect quilts, blankets and trauma teddies that the ladies have made for the local women's shelter as part of our Bridie's Blessings project. We are delivered those last Friday. One of the ladies created a hand stitched crazy quilt for the women and their families at the shelter.
Quilts for the women's shelter

Quilts 2 for the women's shelter

Hand stitched  crazy quilt

knitted blankets

crocheted and knitted blankets

knitted blankets made form hand spun wool

trauma teddies

I talked to the group about Bridie's Blossoms and what we do for our Tasmanian angel babies. The ladies were very interested and some of them came up afterwards and shared with me their own stories of angel babies in their families.

I have told you before I think that Elizabeth, who is one of my Tuesday afternoon sewing group here at my house, has made a queen size quilt cover  from the BFC 11th Anniversary BOM layout. We added a column of extra blocks to the right hand side of the quilt layout to achieve the correct size. Unfortunately I took the photo when the light was fading so the gorgeous metallics in the quilt fabrics are not showing up.
Elizabeth's BFC 11th Anniversary BOM Queen quilt cover

We are having a beautiful autumn here in Tasmania. I love the silver birch leaves on the ground even though they do make a terrible mess for my husband to gather up.
our lovely autumn garden
Tomorrow afternoon our daughter comes home for a visit. She has not been home for 18 months so it will be lovely for us all to catch up again and help her celebrate a belated 30th birthday.She has not met our two furry family members and I am sure that she will want to take them back with her. No doubt they will be smothered in love by her whilst she is here. 

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