
Sunday 4 January 2015

Back from my little blogging holiday

It was just before Christmas when I last posted and now it is time to resume my posts. I hope that you all had a restful and joyful Christmas with your family and friends and that 2015 will be kind to you all.
I have spent the time getting lots of costumes cut out and put together ready for fitting and have also finished my Bonnie Hunter  Grand Illusion Mystery quilt top. I think that it will be a few months before this one is quilted. It is too hot to quilt at the moment.
Grand Illusion Mystery quilt

We did our usual penguin guiding over the holidays and have met many international visitors from around the world. Saturday night was cut short by about an hour or so as we had some much needed rain. The cloud formations were amazing

A few penguins were peaking out of their burrows before nightfall and these two little boys from overseas were very excited to see them.

We also did the guiding on Christmas Day and were distressed when we found a dead dolphin on the beach. Called a Risso's dolphin it is very uncommon in these parts.
This is now the ninth stranding in Tasmanian waters the past month. 

Risso's Dolphin

I have not posted the more graphic photos of this dolphin but you can read about the strandings to date and there are photos in that story pertaining to those dolphins.

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