
Sunday 25 January 2015

Another new week and a busy one just gone

This has been my first post for a few days but I have not been on a holiday. I have today finished and packaged up 19 of my Bridie's Blossom's angel baby packs after they were requested by the major hospital in the state. My sister and her friend will deliver in the coming week. I must say a big thank you to the lovely ladies who have knitted booties for me and made the machine  embroidered lace angels.  
Bridie's Blossoms packages 

Amy has sent in a pic of her Graceful quilt  using the BOM blocks that I designed for the BFC anniversary set from 2013 . Love the black and white.
Pat has finished her Polka Dot giraffe quilt

and so has Karen. It is great to see them together so that we can all get some idea of other colour combinations we can use.

Karen has also used elements from the  Stack Ems BOM to make this gorgeous small quilt for a hospital.

The penguin colony has been very busy with many visitors both local and overseas. This little fellow came out of his burrow whilst it was still quite bright and quickly took off into the bushes. He was fully feathered and I suspect may have been ready to go out tot sea for the first time when it became dark enough. He  didn't give me much time to try and focus to get a sharp photo.
Baby penguin fully feathered
Over the past few weeks these lovely little grey fantails have been nesting on a small twig. However, I noticed last night that the nest was empty. We have had very rough weather and the little birds may have met some misfortune. The little nest are made from dry grass and spider webs and a golf ball would fit snugly inside one

We have also had some gorgeous sunsets and rainbows.

I will be sending out the next installments in the two BOM's that I have running, the HIA Forest Owls and the BFC 11th Anniversary , over the next day or so. It is also back  to costume making but I do intend to set one day a week aside to work on the Blossom's packages.

1 comment:

  1. Sjoe, maar jy is besig! Ek dink jou dag het meer ure as myne...! :) Jou Bridie Blossom pakkies is pragtig!
