
Thursday 20 November 2014

End of a Big Week

Friday is upon us once again and another week is nearly over. Most of plans have gone out the window.
Last Saturday we had our usual penguin guiding volunteer work with a meeting and then the guiding at night. We had some glorious sunsets that night.

Sunday I measured up the 34 cast members in readiness to start the costumes for a musical that the local choral society is doing next year that I am costuming.The musical is called All Shook Up and features Elvis songs all of the way through. First hurdle trying to source black and white striped knit fabric for prison costumes in the scene that features Jailhouse Rock. Outfits (skirts) in the next scene to change form drab to colourful and I have managed to work that out at 2.00 am this morning.

Monday we had the ladies sewing group that meet at my house. A change of day as Tuesday I had major dental work done so it should have been a matter of recuperating for the remainder of the week but no I had a 4 hour meeting with the show director on Wednesday while we went over the script with a fine tooth comb so that I could get a handle on what type of costumes are needed for each scene.

We found a hat we liked on eBay for one of the characters so I went to bid for it and discovered my account had been hacked so it was a conversation with Ebay that began Thursday morning while we sorted that out. Think they understood when I told them there was no way I would be buying a Honda racing bike.

Thursday afternoon I went to the local sewing machine shop for a demonstration on the new Brother Dream Machine. A fantastic machine but I think the new houseful of carpet put paid to that this year. The sister shop of our local Stewart's Sewing Machine centre was having its 40th birthday yesterday and we each got a present. I was thrilled when I opened the pink noodle box to find these lovely fat quarters.

This week there has been a flurry of gorgeous birds in our garden. The most beautiful little blue wrens have returned. They flit around so quickly it is hard to take a photo of them.

The  lovely ladies from the Buderim Machine Embroidery group have been working on overdrive. They have sent me another lot of beautiful lace angels to go in my Bridie's Blossoms packages.

Thursday morning I also embroidered 30 white men's hankies with the word Dad on them for the fathers of Angel babies at the Royal Hobart Hospital. It is a little keepsake that fathers can treasure.

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