
Saturday 20 September 2014

Topsy Turvey House

We are having new carpet and loose lay vinyl tiles put into most of our house except the sewing room starting tomorrow. That means completely clearing rooms, unpacking cupboards and finding things that have not seen the light of day for 20 years, especially all of that glassware we received as wedding gifts 32 years ago. I have decided to use "stuff" and not squirrel it away in case it gets broken.

This morning I finished packing up the eight Bridie's Blossoms boy packages that will be on their way to a hospital in the south of the state during the week courtesy of my two faithful couriers Jade and Kurt.
I have machine embroidered the little vests for these outfits which I have made from a lovely lightweight crepe which will not crush.

Many thanks once again to Anita James of Chrystal Embroidery for the lovely embroidery patterns. I think they look delightful. Unfortunately my photography does not do them justice and the blue buttons match much better than they appear to do.
If anyone is interested the patterns I use for these gowns is in the June 2006 newsletter from Carewear.Org. I use size E for my 37-40 week gowns, size D for the 31-36 weeks and size C for 26-30 weeks. If they are a little large they can be adjusted by the ribbon ties on the back.

We have had some glorious sunsets this past week and I have a few pics for you to see.

I have also to remember to take a photo of the magnificent blooms on the magnolia outside my kitchen window before they disappear for another year.

Tineke stumbled across my blog only five ago and has already stitched out four of the  Stack'Ems blocks from that BOM.


  1. Vicki, I've not posted for a while, though I still follow your blog so Hello from Merry England.
    Your little baby vests are lovely and your sunsets are wonderful.

  2. Beautiful gowns Vicki, the simple embroidery really makes it.
