
Sunday 3 August 2014

What a week!

We have had the week form hell in terms of weather. It was officially classified as an extreme weather event.  It is winter here in Tasmania but we have had a week of dreadful weather. It started last Monday night around 6.00pm when there was a terrible roar for about 1 minute like a freight train was coming through the house. We had a mini tornado come down our street. We had a tree come down in the back yard and the garden arbour out the front was demolished. 

The house next door had part of its fence demolished and our neighbour lost a window. The wind then went in a line about 400 yards from us as the crow flies and tipped up this office block. All in  all we got off lightly compared to these people about 30 minutes away.

It was then a week of prolonged gale force winds, frequent power outages, heavy rain and very cold temps. Today we have bright sunshine but it is very cold with snow not too far away on the hills. In  fact the first night without the gale force winds was a bit eerie.

I got to the stage that I no longer restarted my computer with all the power interruptions as it was happening too frequently. I did bunker down and quilted the stack of my Bridie's Blessings quilts that needed doing so it is just onto finishing the binding and checking them ready for them to be delivered this week. It was a bit disconcerting to be sewing away and then nothing as the power made its frequent disappearances.  


  1. Goodness, I do hope you stay ok and this weather passes off without anymore incident. That tornado caused some serious amount of damage.

  2. Wow, that is awful weather you're having I hope it doesn't last to long
