
Wednesday 14 May 2014

Bridie's Blossoms has spread its wings

Those of you regularly reading my blog will know that a few months ago I started the  Bridie's Blossoms project to supply Tasmanian hospitals with packages to support bereaved parents and their angel babies. Now that the project is up and running I have extended the Bridie's Blossoms project to also include the new Bridie's Blessings.

The mission of Bridie's Blessings is to make and gift lap sized quilts to women and children who tragically find themselves in the position where they need to seek safe haven  in a women's shelter. The forgotten women are those who find themselves alone and without any support well into their middle age.

As with Bridie's Blossoms the signature items in Bridie's Blessings will feature machine embroideries.  A local shelter likes to give a blanket/quilt to those seeking their help so this can amount to quite a few a week.Obviously I cannot make 10 or so quilts a week at least so perhaps others can help make blocks etc as well to be made up into quilts.

How many of us have orphan machine embroidered block sets that have never been placed in a quilt? I have found 20 of these candlewick blocks and today have set them into 2 lap quilts so a start has been made.

 I have also found  an embroidered heart quilt top that I made many years ago and was still waiting to be sandwiched and quilted. It is nothing earth shattering in design but quilted it will come up quite well and will provide comfort. How many of us have quilts keeping the shelves warm when they can be providing comfort to others?

Perhaps you can embroider 10 blocks and set them into a quilt for a shelter near you or maybe make some ITH teddies for our young folk finding themselves there.

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