
Tuesday 27 May 2014

BOM progress

Sunday began a string of rainy and dreary days. The beautiful sunrise on Sunday morning heralded the grey and inclement weather that we have been experiencing.

Block 6 has been sent in the Embellished Cats BOM

I endeavoured to take apic of the Rows 1 and 2 stitched together but a cetain black feline ket on sitting in the middle of it.

Block 5 has gone out for the Embellished Dogs BOM and Rows 1-3 stitched together can be seen below.

I am busily stitching blocks for more of the Bridie's Blessings lap quilts for women and children in local shelters and I have 8 or so lap quilts cut and kitted up ready to stich together. My arm is sore from so much rotary cutting but where would we be without the rotary cutter and mat?

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