
Wednesday 30 April 2014

Update on the Gypsy Quilt progress and my BOM's progress

Many of you have written to me and asked how I am going with the Gypsy quilt by Sharon Schamber. Many of you will remember the dramas I had with it back at the beginning of the year when I started it. Remember this quilt design CD cost $115 on pre release and was released  back on November 4 last year so I assumed all bugs would have been sorted with the designs etc. I downloaded one update and then started the quilt.

You can read about my progress involving all the trials and tribulations here.
After spending over 2 hours trying to attach one sashing I packed it up and put it away. I assumed my sewing skills were not up to scratch.

 I emailed and asked for the construction pdf on how to put the quilt together on January 27 and was assured that a great version would be available two weeks after that. I waited until February 26 and asked about how far away it was again. It was being looked into and today May 1 here in Australia it was released, nearly 3 months after it was promised and six months after the design CD was released for sale.

I eagerly opened the pdf to see how to attach these curved sashings and borders and discovered that you have to trim them back exposing the raw edge, glue and basically topstitch/ applique them to the block and cornerstones. Will I complete the quilt? The answer is a resounding NO.  I will not be spending countless hours putting this quilt together with raw edge sashings to have a far than acceptable result for me. I was assured that many people have completed this quilt so perhaps if you are one of those reading this blog you can email me and tell me where I am going wrong. Obviously this quilt is way out of my league and expertise.

For the $250 I have spent I could have purchased a lot more fabric and lace for my Bridie's Blossoms project.
The last of the initial round 117 Bridie's Blossoms packs with over 1300 individual items have been picked up this morning for delivery to hospitals in the southern part of the state over the weekend.

Yesterday Misty took great delight in testing out this box that had arrived last week from

Block 3 has been sent out in the Embellished Dogs BOM

and Block 48 in the Kenny Kreations Crazy quilt BOM has also been sent out to those participating.

This will probably be my last blog post before we are leaving for Canberra on Saturday morning . We will be gone for 10 days. We have a friend house sitting to look after the babies so hopefully they will not fret. It is the first time since we got them that they have been left by both of us.

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