
Thursday 10 April 2014

I am still here

I have had a few emails from my loyal blog followers wondering if I am OK. I am definitely OK just ben very busy working on my Bridie's Blossoms  packs. Anna and I delivered 21 to our local hospital last Tuesday. That makes 39 packs we have delivered so far with a total of 477 items in them all handmade mostly by me with a little help from my neighbour and my Mum. I am just working on the next lot that will be delivered the week following Easter hopefully. I am also including a few non gender packs for very early week losses.

I will getting back to the last block for the  Graceful BOM over the weekend and will post some new lessons out for the other BOM's currently underway.

Important Please Read
Just a word about my free Block of the  Month lessons and other project files. Although they are free to download and use they are not intended for others to use in classes run by other instructors without asking my permission.They are definitely  not under any circumstances to be used in a class that an instructor is charging a fee for. That is not the reason they are designed for. If they are to be used in a class all members of the group must contact me individually for the download link to download them.

I do not mind sending our download links and I have sent a fair number out in the past few weeks. It takes up about 30 minutes each day. I never know whether they all actually arrive at their destination or are caught up in cyberspace as I very rarely receive a courtesy return thank you email saying that the links they have requested have arrived.

We have had some more lovely sunrises this week The pics  below were taken on Monday morning. I have tried to put them in chronological order

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