
Wednesday 12 March 2014


Another lovely sunrise this morning.

This week is just flying by. Last Saturday night we did our weekly penguin guiding volunteer work. The sunset was beautiful and I took some pics in the car as we traveled out to Lillico Beach. We also saw the space station at around 9.00 and we tracked it for about 6 minutes.

Sunday morning we had a mountain climber in our midst.

Tuesday was a trip to the dentist, my most favourite pastime and a visit with a friend. The remainder of my week so far has been spent making and finishing items for my Bridie's Blossoms project. I have decided that this project will be self funded by myself and and close friends. That way we do not have to jump through the hoops involved with setting up a charity but more importantly  do not have to deal with the inevitable negative  few individuals  who take exception to decisions that are made. A selection of some of the items are photographed  below.

I am  not going to be sending out any new blocks this week as I concentrate on my sewing.

1 comment:

  1. Love what you are doing with the Blossoms Project.
    They all look lovely.
