
Friday 28 March 2014

A trip to the dentist and more progress on my project

Today I have had one of my molars removed so that was not pleasant. Feeling sore and sorry for myself. The bad news is my teeth and sinuses do not like each other at all and have not for years even though we have tried to coax them by spending thousands and thousands of dollars on them so looks like the end might be near for them.

On a more positive note my Bridie's Blossoms packs are well and truly at the wrapping stage and the first delivery will be made on Monday. There are 9 girl and 9 boy packs for this first delivery. Anna,(Bridie's Mum) and I will deliver them together. The next delivery will be made a week into  April.

Each pack has between 11 and 14 pieces in it depending on the age. Some of the older gestational  packs are below

 Once again we have had some lovely sunrises during the week.

I have also completed the next block in the embellished Cat BOM and will hopefully ready to send out tomorrow if I am feeling up to par.
Embellished Cats BOM Block 4