
Saturday 15 February 2014

Pics and Projects

It has been nearly a week since my last post but I have not been resting or on holiday even though retirement is supposed to be one long holiday. Out internet connection has been suffering major issues during the week as well dropping in and out every 5 minutes or so. That has made it difficult to upload pics etc.

I have been working on a new project. I have long intended to make items for hospitals to give to parents who have lost their tiny angels at birth. Anna is one of the three young former work colleagues who have been coming to some quilting lessons with me over the last few months. Tragically back in April of last year Anna lost her beautiful daughter Bridie, a few days before her due date.Together we are planning this new project in Bridie's memory. I plan on having a collection of items including the small bears in a previous post, some clothing and/or bunting and a  22 inch square small quilt with an embroidered bear as the centrepiece. I have been busily searching and collecting patterns from the internet and now think I have the base for this new project. We are going to start with the two hospitals in our region on the North West Coast of Tasmania.

Last night was another of our penguin guiding nights and we were treated to something very special. One of the penguins that is onshore to moult was peeking out of his burrow while it was still very bright so I was able to take some photos of him. I know it was a him because of the large hook on the end of his beak. I used the  sunset setting on my camera to take most of the pics. Make sure you click on the pics to go to the larger view.

You can see how rough his feathers are as they lose their waterproofing and he tries to remove them.

 In the photo below he has gone back into his burrow and started digging the soil like a wombat 
This is another moulting penguin. His feathers have become stained where he has been rubbing himself trying to loosen them. 

 I also saw this Pied Oyster Catcher way off in the distance.They have  along orange bill that they use to prise open molluscs to eat.

 I love the reflection of  this Pacific Gull 

It was also a lovely moon last night close to being very full.


  1. I have been slacking in my blog reading, so I thought I'd visit today. Boy, I've missed a lot. Love the pics of the babies creatures, the quilts and especially the owl quilt. I will have to do some detail looking again.

  2. Lovely pics. Brings back memories of a super vacation in NZ. I do hope you share your project ideas with photos. Our Smocking Guild makes wee care gowns and donates about 100 each year to 3 local hospitals. They are always well appreciated.
