
Monday 3 February 2014

Bits and Pieces

One yard of fabric, like one cookie, is never enough!- author unknown

Block 11 of the Sassy Cats BOM has been seen out to those receiving these block lessons.. I have finished this quilt and have quilted and bound it but you will not be seeing the full quilt for a few more days.
Sassy Cats BOM Block 11

This is a quick pic of Misty making herself at home in it.

This morning I managed to capture this very colourful sunrise.

I also attended the local machine embroidery group meeting today and one of the members had her completed Aristocat quilt to share. I am always amazed at how lovely these quilts look in all of their different colour ways. Remember you can still request this BOM by emailing me via the link on the right hand side of the page.
Betty's Aristocat Quilt

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