
Friday 24 January 2014

On The Mend and My Project for the Week

Jovi's Pillow

My war with the strawberries seems to be nearly over with the worst part of the rash and blistering clearing up but I now seem to have a sinus infection. I do not like to take antibiotics as I am allergic to penicillin also another antibiotic family so that leaves only one or two.

I have managed to make a pillow for the son of a friend this week. This is my prototype and I have another in the works. If anyone would like a basic tutorial please let me know. This pillow is 18 inches square so makes a good size. The designs I have used are form  Bunnycup Embroidery. The font is my favourite for this type of project and is called Patty Cake Alpha and the embroideries are from the Move It Too set

We have had another visit from the rabbit this week.
Rabbit in the  Garden

Make sure you head on over to Embroidery Library and pick up the free designs they have this weekend only.

These are very versatile design as you can take the inside part of the design out of each of these and reuse the frames for other projects if you wish.

1 comment:

  1. love reading you blog.
    where do you get the wonderful ideas
    Kathleen Mary
