
Tuesday 14 January 2014

Good day to stay indoors and sew

South Eastern Australia including Tasmania is in the grips of a heat wave. Thankfully we have not had temps in the 40's but it has still been quite warm here so good to stay indoors with the air conditioner on.

I have been working on the split nine patches from my scraps and have about 1/4 of the pieces made for the project I wish to make. I like this arrangement as you only have to divide your fabrics between lights and darks.
Split Nine Patches

I have also sent out the instructions for Block 42 in the Crazy Quilt BOM. Only another 22 to go.
Crazy Quilt Block 42

Crazy Quilt Block 42 Detail

Crazy Quilt Block 42 Detail

Crazy Quilt Block 42 Detail

Crazy Quilt Block 42 Detail
Sharon also sent in a pic of her Sassy cats quilt to date. Although these quilts have the same layout it is great to see the difference that choosing different fabrics makes.

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