
Thursday 16 January 2014

And the hot weather continues and Sassy Cats Block 10

Today has again been hot so once again it has been inside with the air conditioner on and the curtains closed across the windows that catch the sun during the day.
Have a look a this gorgeous little ringtail possum cooling off in a backyard paddling pool. I think the video was made somewhere on the mainland of Australia yesterday where some centre had 46C temperatures. We have  a little ring tail living in one of our trees. We also see one nearly every Saturday night at the penguin platform at Lillico we do the penguin interpretive guiding.

The little finches were back again today taking numerous dips in the bird bath but once again they were very self conscious about being seen taking a bath. I did catch this little fellow preening himself after he had been in for a dip.

Block 10 of the Sassy Cats BOM has been sent out. I tried to take the pic in the hot glass room that we have and it is a bit crinkled in the corner but I was not going out there again to try and get another.

As I have been getting a few returned emails I sent out the progress email today about where we were up to as some people have full email inboxes and it also appears that some blocks are not arriving at all. I think this may be the case with those who use AOL as their internet provider. After I sent out the progress email today I had all the AOL addressed emails bounce back.

At this point the latest blocks I have sent out are

Crazy Quilt  Block 43
Sassy Cats Block 10

Graceful Block 6 (Perhaps another one tomorrow)

One of my blog followers Anne, sent me a link to this free BOM from Project House 360 called Garden Gate. Part 1 is up and from what I can gather other parts will have the included embroidery designs as well when that section is done. Some of you may be interested in joining this BOM as well.

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