
Wednesday 4 December 2013

Baby penguins in a spot of bother

On Tuesday a truck carrying tallow rolled on the highway near the penguin colonies along Lillico Beach where we do our penguin interpretation guiding each Saturday night. The truck did not roll near the platform but it did roll near some baby penguin burrows. Three baby penguins were rescued by local wildlife rangers and given a bath by a local vet.

They were  later rehoused in new man made burrows near their original home to await the return of their parents from their daily trip out to sea fishing for their food. Fingers crossed the little families are reunited again. Priority has been given to rebuilding the little fence that prevents the penguins from moving onto the highway. If the fence was not there many penguins would be killed as they would try to move up into the surrounding farmland on the other side of the road.

1 comment:

  1. sad. Well, glad you were able to save these few!
