
Sunday 3 November 2013

Penguins Pics

On Saturday night where my husband and I are volunteer interpretative guides at the Lillico penguins we had two gentleman from Hobart taking some photos of the penguins. As we are unable to use flash photography as it disturbs the birds, the gentlemen had to just rely on the red torchlight we use. One of the gentleman  Greg Norris kindly sent these photos to my husband. These two little penguins had just arrived from the sea where they had been fishing all day. They had walked up the rocky pebble beach and into the reserve. I think that you will agree with me that these photos are just beautiful. Make sure that you click on the photo to see the enlarged photo in a new window.
Penguins at Lillico 1 by Greg Norris

Penguins at Lillico 2 by Greg Norris
Penguins at Lillico 3 by Greg Norris

Penguins at Lillico 4 by Greg Norris


  1. It's been a while since I have been to see the little penguins at Lillico but I must get there again soon as these pics of these two little penguins are gorgeous.

  2. We (over in England) watched a film about the Lillico penguins last year and it was fascinating.
    It must be great to watch them live and up close.
