
Monday 11 November 2013

Embroidery Club Meeting

Today we had the monthly embroidery club meeting. During the morning the members had the opportunity of making one of the Embroidered 10 Minute Table Runner Variations if they wished to as the project of the month. We had three enthusiastic members who took up this opportunity as well as another industrious member who worked on paper piecing some lovely Christmas cards. This group used to have 30 members regularly attend a few years ago but attendance has dropped off dramatically so I hope this is not a sign of things to come for this hobby in our district. For me, this is the only machine embroidery group that I have the opportunity to attend and meet others.
If you do not have a group in your district why not start one and invite fellow enthusiasts to attend. If we do not foster the hobby and encourage others to join it will cease to exist.
These are the three lovely runners that were made. The ladies used a free design set that was available for download from Designs By Sick last month and each one looked completely different depending on thread used etc.

During the afternoon session we had another six people arrive and I gave a hints and tips session and one member brought along their Antique Rose quilt top. She had also embellished her Antique Rose designs with some sea shell designs as the fabric had sea shells on it.

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