
Sunday 27 October 2013

A Day in the Life of A Cat

The cats have kept me very busy today. Hallie is extremely inquisitive and is always wanting to help me with my sewing. She sits and looks at me and I am sure that she has been here before.
Do you need me to turn this machine on now Mum?
or perhaps tidy that cupboard because it could do with a bit of a spring clean
We have to team up to keep a look out for that intruder from across the street and here he comes

It's war now ! We will frighten him away because he can't get us in here.
Now that he has gone and all the excitement is over it is time for a sleep on Mum's newest quilt but I can still keep an eye out of this window for more intruders.
 The afternoon sun is just the thing for having a long nap in
Even if I do keep one eye slightly open
Mum has been pressing her sewing and this ironing pad of hers is so warm. Pity she only washed the nice white cover yesterday


  1. Love your kitty Day....giggle. What a scary face!

  2. I won't let my cat IN the sewing room! She thinks anything I am sewing is for her so out she go. you are a better cat mom than I am.

  3. or maybe I should say mum as you are across the pond and I am in California.
