
Tuesday 10 September 2013

Bits and Pieces

 I have been battling residual pain from my various bouts of shingles for over the past two weeks now and it is not improving much. This time it is around my torso on the right hand side of my body. Think I need to takes things very slowly and easy for the next few weeks so not much lesson writing or sewing will be done. Will have to curl up on the couch with my kitties.

Fons and Porter are giving away another fabulous E Book. This time it is on Scrap quilts so make sure you hop on over and pick that one up.

Ageless Embroidery are giving away a gorgeous basket design in a few sizes so make sure you pick that one up.

1 comment:

  1. I hope you are feeling better real soon, shingles is certainly no fun to have, sending good thoughts your way.
