
Saturday 31 August 2013

New Quilt- Lavender Lime Floral Dreams

I have spent the last two days designing and stitching a new quilt top that I have called Lavender Lime Floral Dreams. The block layout is made up of nine patches and half square triangles cut from 5 inch strips using a half square triangle ruler. I have been having lots of fun drawing up different combinations with half square triangles lately.
Unfortunately the indoor night lighting is not very flattering to the colours used. I will try and get an outside pic after I finish quilting the quilt.
The design set used is the  Floral Dreams set from Hatched in Africa. Thy are having a 30% off sale at the moment so that made the set very reasonable to buy. I only used a mauve/purple and green colour palette for the embroideries as well with the gold bud highlights in a couple of the designs. The quilt measures 77 inches square before quilting. I was not going to put the cornerstone designs in but was running very short of the purple fabric so that solved a problem for me.

I will write the tutorial for this quilt if you are interested. Please send me an email if you are.

1 comment:

  1. I am having a wonderful Sunday morning, in British Columbia, Canada, reading your blog and your great tutorials. Your tut "It's in the Frame Bag, was featured on Facebook and I am so glad to have found you through that post. I am fairly new to Machine Embroidery and your practical tuts and patterns are just what I need. Please keep up the great work!
