
Sunday 21 July 2013

Floral sketches Update

I have just taken a pic of the  Hatched in Africa Floral Sketches 2 BOM I am doing. We are almost at the halfway point with blocks going out but I have not sent out the large block in the pics below.
The quilt that I am making with the 5x7 designs is in the top of the pic and the 6x10 designs are in the quilt section in the lower part of the pic. The fabric is Cuzco by Kate Spain.
If you still wish to join this free BOM you can email me.
Floral Sketches BOM half
I have also taken some pics of the lovely little white eyes that were having a bath in my garden statue outside my kitchen window.
White eyes having a lovely time in the bath

Our garden is just starting to burst into spring bloom all be it a little early.
We have had this rhododendron form when we were first married ad brought it with us from our first house.


  1. the Quilts are looking great so far.

  2. Thanks Anita, I am pleased with the way they are coming along.

  3. Your guilts are gorgeous, thank you for sharing the pattern.
