
Friday 10 May 2013

Trying Again with video

I have tried again with another video and uploaded it to You Tube . I hope the sound  is OK. I should not have got out of bed this morning. The video sound took us about 5 hours to try and sort out, I broke a machine needle and then tipped about 3 teaspoons of pepper on to my lunch.


  1. Thankyou Vicki. Very much appreciated.

  2. Video very good Vicki- thanks.I Have watched it even though I do not have Embird, I have tried to open the different formats using my 5D but haven't had any luck.Will keep trying
    I really enjoy reading your blog and appreciate all the time and effort you make - I have learnt so many things from you.

  3. Vicki I'm so sorry you're disheartened!! I for one would be devastated if you didn't blog! Good gosh you're my muse!!!!!!! And I appreciate all you do for me especially as a newbie- I never thought I'd be doing what I am right now!! I thank you profusely.

  4. Great video, I am going to listen again to it later. Love your voice. I have the new update to Embird, but have not installed. Going to try and do that today. There a lot of us that follow your blog and lessons and love your giving heart. I hope that you will not let the ones that complain get to you too much. Thanks for everything.
