
Monday 20 May 2013

Covered Coat hanger Tutorial Finished

I have finished all 5 of my covered coat hangers in different colourways , written up the tutorial and sent it out to those who are doing the Martha Pullen Internet Embroidery (IEC) club projects with me.
Project 10 IEC
It has been a bleak and miserable day here today and these are days that I will not like being retired but a bright note to my day was talking to my friend Carolyn from Canada on  Skype for an hour this morning. I have shared some of Carolyn's lovely photography with you before and she sent this most glorious shot this morning of a chipmunk up close.

Carolyn's chipmunk
Make sure you click on his pic so that you can see his gorgeous little face in a larger image.


  1. I really love the coat hangers and the chipmunk is so cute!

  2. The way you explained cleared all the concepts. Thanks for providing the important information in the easiest form, Keep sharing, definitely will be helpful for those looking for Coat Hangers and related service you can visit My Coat Hangers .
