
Friday 5 April 2013

Cat Quilt Finished

I have finished my Aristocat Quilt including quilting and binding it. It  may not win any prizes in a quilt show but I am very happy with how it turned out. Considering we started with just 6 designs to end up with a quilt that is 63 inches wide x 88 inches long is a good effort I think. I have sent out lessons for Block 7 , 8 and 9 over the last two days and will try and get the rest done quickly so that people can finish their quilt. 
HIA Aristocat Cat Quilt Finished
It is now back to working on the Floral Sketches 2 quilt and the Quilt as You Go quilt I am doing with the lace and ribbon. Hope to have another pic of that up later on today or tomorrow.
Urban Threads have a nice little freebie called MAKE until tomorrow so make sure you head on over to their site and collect that.

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